Opportunities for researchers, students and consumers

SOuRCe welcomes researchers, higher degree research students (MPhil, PhD) and consumers interested in studying or collaborating in a range of surgical research projects across multiple specialties.

Supported by world-renowned academics, SOuRCe has collaborated with over 700 researchers, supervised more than 85 higher degree candidatures and mentored over 50 MD students.  SOuRCe has also collaborated with several consumers from project conceptualisation to its translation into practice.

If you are interested in collaborating with SOuRCe on a research project, please click the link below.

Emeritus Professor Jane Young Surgical Research Scholarship

Emeritus Professor Jane Young was a Cancer Epidemiologist and the inaugural Surgical Outcomes Research Centre (SOuRCe) staff member in 2002, based at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. As SOuRCe’s Executive Director, she played a pivotal role in transforming the Centre into an internationally renowned surgical outcomes research unit. Jane’s commitment and dedication to improving surgical patients’ outcomes were demonstrated through the translation of evidence into clinical practices and the integration of research into surgical services.

To honour Emeritus Professor Young’s legacy and contribution to surgical research, the Emeritus Professor Jane Young Surgical Research Scholarship was established within SOuRCe. The main aim of this scholarship is to support individuals pursuing a higher degree by research in surgical science.

If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please click the link below.

RPA Cancer Survivorship Scholarship

The Institute of Academic Surgery (IAS) is providing a 12-month RPA Cancer Survivorship Scholarship opportunity for a student who is currently enrolled or has received an unconditional offer for admission in a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the University of Sydney. This new Scholarship aims to support individuals undertake research in cancer survivorship following treatment of bowel cancer, as well as develop and strengthen their research careers.

Please click on the link below for the scholarship guidelines and application. Applications close on Friday 17 May.

For further information, please contact us using the link below.


Ms Mathilde Mairin O’Dell

“I am extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to undertake my MD project at SOuRCe under the mentorship of A/Prof Cherry Koh and A/Prof Daniel Steffens. The invaluable support from the SOuRCe team has been central in the development of my research skills as well as inspired me to continue pursuing research in my medical career. SOuRCe has highlighted the importance of research in medicine and I strongly encourage any students with interest to pursue research in the surgical field to join the team.”

A/Prof David Clark

Undertaking a PhD through SOuRCe was a career defining process. The experience has provided me with the legitimacy and tools to pursue my research goals. As a mature candidate, the team was able to choose appropriate supervisors tailored to my anticipated and articulated needs. The supervisors were able to guide me without being proscriptive. I was able to learn the language and style of manuscript composition and was able to access as much tutelage and support as required. Furthermore, I was welcomed into the SOuRCe family and made to feel a valued member of the this highly respected team.

Dr Celine Garrett

“I have had the opportunity to be a research affiliate and now MPhil candidate (investigating early-onset colorectal cancer) with SOuRCe since I was a final year medical student. Through working closely with world-renowned colorectal surgeons who have now become my mentors, I have learnt how to conduct high quality research, have achieved multiple first author publications and conference presentations and have been fortunate to collaborate with other like-minded researchers as a member of the peritonectomy and pelvic exenteration research groups. Through my research at SOuRCe my practice as a junior doctor has been enriched and I have also gained confidence in my own abilities as a researcher.”

Dr Kilian Brown

“I have had a fantastic experience working with the team at SOuRCe, initially as an MPhil student and more recently as a PhD candidate under the supervision of Prof Michael Solomon and A/Prof Daniel Steffens. The mentorship and support offered at SOuRCe has allowed me to develop academic skills while working with world experts in advanced colorectal cancer. I have had great opportunities including collaboration with international experts and publishing our work in high impact journals. I would highly recommend SOuRCe to any prospective student or academic.”