Covering all surgical specialties, SOuRCe has established and continues to develop a renowned research profile of surgical outcomes research. Our work includes developing and improving new surgical techniques, enhancing quality of life and patient-reported outcomes, and implementing evidence-based practice.

Sydney Local Health District Collaboration

We are a proud partner of the Royal Prince Alfred Institute of Academic Surgery (IAS). Established in 2014 by SLHD in partnership with the University, the IAS aims to promote academic surgery and endorse best surgical practice and patient care through research, education and academic career development for surgeons. Find out more about the IAS here.

Given the synergies between the two departments, SOuRCe joined IAS and came under its governance structure. While we continue as a discrete entity, progression our own research programs and provision of surgical research expertise, by joining with the IAS the breadth and depth of our collaborations and research will be greatly enhanced.

SOuRCe Structure

SOuRCe Biennial Report 2022-2024

Click here to read more.

Our People

Research Staff Members

Administrative Team
Management Team
Research Officers